PIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AG
PIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AGPIERER Mobility AG

PIERER Mobility AG


PIERER Mobility AG


Required Services

Rebranding, Website

Project description

The PIERER Mobility AG Group comprises three of the most innovative brands in the motorcycle industry: KTM, Husqvarna Motorcycles and GASGAS. With the Raymon and Felt brands, they also specialize in electric bikes. All these premium performance brands have their own identities and target groups.

As an umbrella brand, PIERER Mobility AG communicates at the corporate level and does not interact directly with consumers.
Our task was to create a new corporate identity that communicates the brand's passion and how PIERER Mobility AG supports the individual growth and success of all brands.

Logo, brand mark, pattern

PIERER Mobility AG's new logo includes a brand mark that features dynamic lines to convey power and speed. Inspired by the world of racing, it is reminiscent of the front of a motorcycle. The "P" is a great tool for the audience to quickly connect with the brand.

Their brand pattern is based on squares. It is simple and progressive, communicating both the brand's technical background and its focus on innovation.


The client asked for a restyling of their website. The pain points of their old website were poor navigation and menu functionality. Their site was also too wordy.

We created a clean and appealing structure based on a new navigation system with a different behavior. The goal of the website was to simplify the structure, apply the new CI, visualize what PIERER Mobility AG is and design it more appealing to their target audience, which are mainly investors, analysts, media and employees.

Information architecture

The information architecture for this client is more extensive than others. In addition to the main level, there are up to two sub levels which makes it harder to navigate and find information. Therefore, we created the menu to open while hovering to show every sub level. All pages, including the first level, are clickable. 

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